Supporting the Whole Student Across the Curriculum


In this webinar we will explore ways we can be advocates for international and multilingual students beyond our classrooms and help ensure their voices and experiences are considered and included in campus-wide conversations, particularly those related to DEI.  We will also discuss ways to help students develop agency.  [This session is based on the text, Fostering International Students Success in Higher Education and focuses on the fifth chapter.

Fostering International & Multilingual Student Success: Effective and Equitable Assignments and Assessments


In this webinar we will explore ways to minimize linguistic and cultural bias in assignments and assessments.  We will also discuss ways to provide feedback on language and consider informal accommodations to help ensure equitable and inclusive assessments and assignments.  [This session is based on the text, Fostering International Students Success in Higher Education and focuses on the second chapter.

Supporting Language Development with Linguistically Inclusive Pedagogy


This webinar will explore pedagogical approaches that foster a linguistically inclusive classroom where multilingualism and language differences are seen as assets.  We will also highlight some second language acquisition (SLA) principles and related teaching practices that can support ongoing language and literacy development, while making classroom content more accessible.

Fostering International and Multilingual Student Success: Supporting Cultural Adjustment and Inclusion


This webinar will explore the role of academic culture in the experiences of international and multilingual students and how we can support transition into common US classroom culture.  We will present some typical classroom values and practices of US academic culture that might be new for students and identify some strategies that can facilitate the adjustment.

Fostering International & Multilingual Student Success: Back to Basics


This session is the start of a 5-part series based on the text, Fostering International Students Success in Higher Education.  We will focus on the first chapter of the book and explore the context of international students in the US and at the UMN including: reasons why international students are here; relevant policies; data highlighting challenges, opportunities, and successes international students can experience; important terminology; connections to diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts, and campus internationalization.

Language Bias & Linguistic Justice

International and multilingual students come to our campus with many skills, talents, and perspectives that enrich our university and learning experiences for all. However, sometimes students experience judgment or exclusion based on the way that they speak or use English. This, in turn, impacts their experiences, both social and academic.