Advising in This College
Advising Structure
During their first semester, pre-major students are assigned a CSE academic advisor who advises them through graduation. After the student's acceptance into a major, a departmental advisor or faculty member will be their main contact for academic planning.
Honors students in CSE are assigned an honors advisor who works closely with the CSE advising team.
Transfer Information
Transfer admission for the College of Science and Engineering (CSE) is competitive. However, the level of competitiveness varies by major. If you are working with a current UMTC student who is considering transferring to CSE, encourage them to review the information on the college's website for future transfer students.
Referring Students
- In Person: The CSE Academic Advising office is in Suite 105 Lind Hall. They are open from 8:00 am to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
- By Phone: (612)-624-2890.
- Online
- By Appointment: Current CSE students can schedule their own appointments online.