MCAE/COIN Info Session & Tour

The New Advisors Group is a great way to build community and skills across the campus advising community. We welcome all advisors who consider themselves new or new-ish (be that new to campus, new to academic advising, or both)! The New Advisors Group typically gathers once a month, often near a resource or in a space which advisors regularly discuss with students. 

Location: Room 117 Bruininks Hall

No RSVP needed, we hope to see you there!

Wellbeing Series | Your Brain on Art: How the Arts Transform Us

We’re on the verge of a cultural shift in which the arts can deliver potent, accessible, and proven solutions for the wellbeing of everyone. The science of neuroaesthetics offers proof of how our brains and bodies are transformed when we participate in the arts and aesthetic experience. This knowledge can improve our physical and mental health, help us learn and flourish, amplify innovation and build stronger communities. Over the last twenty years advances in technology have enabled researchers to non-invasively get inside our heads.

Wellbeing Series | The Impact of Trauma on Health and Wellbeing and How to Heal

Award-winning physician, researcher, and public health leader Nadine Burke Harris is dedicated to serving vulnerable communities and combating the root causes of health disparities, which includes understanding the link between trauma and health outcomes. Research shows that early traumatic experiences can cause a prolonged stress response that ultimately leads to an increased risk of diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. As California’s first-ever Surgeon General, Dr.

Conversations with the Transfer Specialists: Health Sciences Programs

Please join a Zoom conversation with the transfer specialists to dig a little deeper into the ins and outs of the change of college process for our health sciences programs. This is a chance to meet the transfer specialists for these colleges, de-mystify the transfer process, and understand the philosophy of admissions into these programs. Hopefully after you've attended, you will have increased your capacity to prepare students more effectively for the change of college process. 

Conversations with the Transfer Specialists: De-mystifying the Ins and Outs of the CEHD Change of College Process

Please join a Zoom conversation with the transfer specialists to dig a little deeper into the ins and outs of the change of college process for CDES, CEHD, and our health sciences programs. This is a chance to meet the transfer specialists for these colleges, de-mystify the transfer process, and understand the philosophy of admissions into these programs. Hopefully after you've attended, you will have increased your capacity to prepare students more effectively for the change of college process.

Conversations with the Transfer Specialists: De-mystifying the Ins and Outs of the CDES Change of College Process

Please join a Zoom conversation with the transfer specialists to dig a little deeper into the ins and outs of the change of college process for CDES, CEHD, and our health sciences programs. This is a chance to meet the transfer specialists for these colleges, de-mystify the transfer process, and understand the philosophy of admissions into these programs. Hopefully after you've attended, you will have increased your capacity to prepare students more effectively for the change of college process. 

Handshake Training for Advisors

This virtual session will cover an overview of Handshake, how to use Handshake in your advising, and Q&A. Handshake is the University-wide job and internship board for students and alumni across all five campuses. In addition to job postings, Handshake provides a platform for connecting with recruiters and alumni, registering for career events and fairs, and accessing career resources. We will spend time hands-on in the platform to show you the benefits of Handshake for students.