Learning Abroad Training for Advisors

This training is developed for new UMTC advisors working with undergraduate students planning to study abroad. We will cover the process and basics of how UMTC students plan for learning abroad academically, financially, and personally. This will be an overview of how the Learning Abroad Center works with students and an opportunity for participants to ask questions based on their own experience advising students. Relevant advising tools and resources for working with students interested in study abroad will be shared with participants.  Breakfast is provided. 

Transfer Advocate Training

The Transfer Advocate Training will be held Tuesday, February 18th from 9-11 AM in room 303 Coffman Union.

For those not familiar with this initiative, the goal is to help staff and faculty understand the unique issues transfer students face and help those who work with these students become Transfer Student Advocates.

To become a Transfer Student Advocate you must attend one, two-hour training. After that you will receive occasional communications and invitations to optional future events and trainings.

Objectives of Transfer Advocate Program:

Conversations with the Transfer Specialists: De-mystifying the ins and outs of the change of college process

Please join a conversation with the transfer specialists to dig a little deeper into the ins and outs of the change of college process for CFANS. This is a chance to meet the transfer specialists for these colleges, de-mystify the transfer process, understand the philosophy of admissions into these programs, and learn about the pre-requisites and realities of more challenging majors once students are admitted. Hopefully after you've attended, you will have increased your capacity to prepare students more effectively for the inter college transfer process.  

ISS Intercultural Workshop Series: Bridging Cultural Differences

When interacting with those from around the world, an understanding of the relevant values of all participants will help to create positive connections. While it may be easy to adapt to obvious differences in eye contact or handshakes, it is more difficult to take actionable steps to address more hidden value differences, such as hierarchy or independence. Participating in this experiential workshop will allow you to identify problems or opportunities that stem from cultural value differences.